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डॉक्टर प्रदर + बी सी 13 leukorrhea homeopathy,leukorrhea in hindi,leukorrhea in males,leukorrhea in pregnancy treatment,leukorrhea is a symptom of infection in which organ,leukorrhea is associated with which of the following conditions

Doctor Pradar + BC 13 सर्वोत्तम   होम्योपैथिक   फार्मूला   leukorrhea homeopathy,leukorrhea in hindi,leukorrhea in males,leukorrhea in pregnancy treatment,leukorrhea is a symptom of infection in which organ,leukorrhea is associated with which of the following conditions leukorrhea homeopathy,leukorrhea in hindi,leukorrhea in males,leukorrhea in pregnancy treatment,leukorrhea is a symptom of infection in which organ,leukorrhea is associated with which of the following conditions MRP 350/- Doctor Pradar + BC 13 30 ml Drops+ 100 Tablet Pack of Bio-Combination 13 Govt. Approved Formulation महिलाओं को होने वाले श्वेत प्रदर, लिकोरिआ, योनि से डिस्चार्ज होते रहना,दुर्गन्ध युक्त डिस्चार्ज,योनि का गीलापन व इसकी वजह से होने वाले कमर दर्द चिड़चिड़ापन,कमजोरी व दर्द में लाभ दायक है ! For leucorrhoea,Thick or thin sticky discharge from the vagina,infection,swelling and excessive itching in the vagina,Feeling weak and inactive,Urination with a burning sensation. इसके आलावा शरीर में जि...